Share Those Great Resources

Whew! I can almost hear the collective sigh as the school year winds down and wraps up for teachers across the country and throughout the CSTA membership (except for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, of course).
I remember well those end-of-the-year activities of final exams, calculating grades, and boxing up the top of my desk until next September. And during the entire process of sorting and filing I found myself saying, “Gee, that was a great activity,” or “My, the students really got the concept quickly with this project. I have to remember to use that one again next year!”
I suspect you will have many of the same recollections as you clear your desk over the next couple weeks. But instead of keeping those great activities and super projects all to yourself, share with your CSTA peers by submitting them to the CSTA Source Web Repository of K-12 Computer Science Teaching and Learning Materials.
Don’t worry! We’re not looking for super-polished documents. Just clear instructions of activities that you know work. Maybe you have step-by-step lab instructions, maybe the details of a team project, maybe a review activity, or maybe an assessment tool. It could be a single lesson or an entire unit. We want them all!
And the process is easy! Just fill in the short informational form and submit the documents online at:
Submissions are reviewed by a volunteer committee to ensure that they are relevant and pedagogically and technically sound before they are included the repository.
So, instead of filing away those instructional gems until next fall, share them with all of us. It is the neighborly CSTA thing to do!
Pat Phillips
Editor, CSTA Voice