A Note from the Chair of CSTA’s Board of Directors

The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Lissa Clayborn as Acting Executive Director of CSTA. Lissa is CSTA’s Director of Development and has worked closely with Chris Stephenson on CSTA projects and programs during the past three years and has over 18 years in non-profit management. Many CSTA members have collaborated with Lissa on various aspects of CSTA, including local chapter management and advocacy. Lissa assumed her duties as Acting Executive Director on May 24, 2014, after Chris Stephenson’s departure from CSTA to work at Google on May 23.

The CSTA Board of Directors, in collaboration with ACM leadership, has begun the process of searching for a new CSTA Executive Director. Next steps in the process include:

i. The CSTA Executive Committee will develop an updated job description for the CSTA Executive Director.
ii. The CSTA Executive Committee will organize a search committee for the position.
iii. The position and the updated job description will be publicized through the many networks with which CSTA is associated.
iv. The CSTA Board of Directors will have ongoing discussions throughout the process.

Deborah Seehorn
CSTA Board of Directors Chair