A Resource for your Careers Unit

Probably at some time during the next semester, you will guide your students through a unit on “career explorations.” Certainly, there are lots of resources out there to learn about CS careers, job prospects, pay, and education. The challenge comes in putting together a cohesive…not to mention up-to-date… series of lessons.

While cleaning off my work desk (an annual end-of-the-year event in my life), I found a suggestion on a scrap of paper I had torn from Tech & Learning several month ago that might just fit the bill.

The site reference is econedlink (http://www.econedlink.org/) from the Council for Economic Education. The specific lesson plan is “The 411 on College Education” (http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.php?lid=1103&type=student).

The lesson includes objectives such as:

  • The relationship between level of education and the average unemployment rate
  • Level of education and median weekly income
  • Choosing and financing college
  • College as an investment in human capital

The online lesson is designed to be used by students and includes activities, assessments, and an extension activity—all with links to reliable sources of information. Take a look…it might be a resource to complement career exploration in your classroom.