On the CSTA website, two of the benefits listed for CSTA individual membership are access to:
* free online training courses available through the Sun Academic Initiative, and
* the Career Resource Centre, ACM’s source for career articles, job board, and career assessment tools.
Links to both of these resources are available from the CSTA website (left side under Professional Development). Entry into either of the areas may at first seem intimidating, but the effort will be well rewarded.
Whether your exploration in the Career Resource Centre is through the career assessment tools or through the articles available, the investment in time will provide information that should be of use to you and to your students.
This is even more evident for the courses available from the Sun Academic Initiative. When registering, for any of these excellent courses, ranging from “Fundamentals of JAVA” to topics in Distributed Computing Concepts and more, the savings become readily apparent. These lessons are fast-paced, easy to understand, and more than justify the cost of CSTA membership.
Please, avail yourself of these benefits, and let us know how else we can be of service to you, the most important resource of CSTA, our members.
Charmaine Bentley
Membership Chair
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How can I get membership with CSTA?
I am a computer Science Teacher working in India, I would like to know, How could I become a member of Computer Science Teacher Association.
It is easy to become a CSTA member. You can access the online membership form at:
Be sure to join as an individual member because this membership is free for educators.