Sadker Awards for Teachers and Students

The Myra Sadker Foundation has established teacher and student awards to support the creation of teaching and learning materials that advance educational equity and social justice.
Myra Sadker was one of the early researchers examining gender bias in the classroom. Her work uncovered the subtle and not so subtle biases that shape the lives of girls and boys. The foundation, established in her name, is dedicated to promoting equity, eliminating gender bias, and enhancing the lives of children.
The Sadker Foundation teacher award ranges from $1,000 to $2,000. It is designed to promote and support teacher projects (K-12) that help students learn about and respect group differences, promote fairness. Each project must include a gender dimension.
The student awards range from $100 to $1,000 and are designed to encourage student ideas, activities and projects (K-12) that promote respect for group differences and fairness.
Both awards are intended to support projects that build upon the values and contributions of Myra Sadker’s work.
You can find more information about these awards or apply for one online at:
The awards are distributed throughout the year.
Chris Stephenson
CSTA Executive Director

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