New Years Resolutions

By Mindy Hart
Happy New Year!
I hope 2010 finds you doing well and you had a lovely winter break! But now that you are most likely back to the grind, have you thought about your New Year Resolutions as they relate to the state of computer science education?
Here’s my list of What if’s. Perhaps, if we each just choose to do one, we might create a snowball effect in advocating and expanding computer science education.
What if:
* Each of us talked to one school administrator and expressed our concerns about the lack of programs available for interested students?
* Each of us took a moment to talk about the job opportunities in CS among all the students in our school?
* Each of us quit worrying about semantics, and instead worried about cultivating student interest?
* Each of us actively sought out higher education and business partners that helped provide resources and internship opportunities, even it if were just for one student?
* Each of us developed a project that our students could take into the lower grades to get kids interested in CS early on in life?
What ideas can you add to this list? And which of these might you give a go during 2010?
Mindy Hart
CSTA Board of Directors

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