K-12 Events at SIGCSE

By Steve Cooper
I’d like to let everyone know that the early registration deadline for SIGCSE 2010 is coming up at the end of January. While SIGCSE runs from March 11-13, there is a special K-12 teachers day on Friday March 12 (and a cheaper registration fee for teachers who can only attend this one day).
Some of the exciting sessions that day include:
– a keynote address by Nobel prize winner Carl Weiman
– a paper session (and a separate panel session) on middle school issues
– a special session on the future of computing
– a special session on the proposed new AP CS course
– free lunches from Greenfoot and Alice (I think you’re only supposed to get one, but for the hungry among you….)
– a paper session on K-12 instruction
– a special session on Google’s new App Inventor
– computational thinking in HS
– lots of great workshops (unfortunately, the cost for these isn’t included as part of the registration for SIGCSE)
– lots of other sessions (that my way of saying I’m probably leaving out some cool sessions)
The program is available from
There is also the wonderful opportunity to talk to nearly all of the textbook authors from the texts you are using in your computing classes. (I cannot guarantee all of us will be at SIGCSE, but most of us will be there.)
If you can get to sunny Milwaukee (yes, I know the organizers chose an interesting location for SIGCSE, but at least we’ll be indoors), I strongly recommend it!
Steve Cooper
CSTA Vice President

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