Preparing for the New School Year

I usually devote a portion of my summer vacation preparing for the next school year. I use my summer break to attend at least one professional development workshop. This summer I was able to attend three: CS4HS, CS & IT Symposium, and Microsoft Teacher-Leader Workshop. I attend these workshops because I feel that I need to stay current in the computer science field and I want to learn from the successes of other teachers. I found that attending these workshops I also learn from the other teachers that are attending.
According to Harry K. Wong in his book,The First Days of School, “The effective teacher works cooperatively and learns from colleagues.” He also states that “The effective teacher goes to professional meetings to learn.” I believe these two statements really capture the importance of making time for professional development.
I also prepared for the new school year by applying for a grant that I happened upon while looking into an alumni membership for my son. I met the criterion so I applied. I was pleasantly surprised when I received an email to inform me that I was selected to receive the classroom supply grant. Through the grant I was able to purchase Computer Science curriculum that was more current than the district supplied textbook.
How do you prepare for the new school year? I would like to learn from you as to how best to prepare for a new group of students.
Myra Deister
CSTA Board of Directors

One thought on “Preparing for the New School Year

  1. How do I prepare for the “new year?”
    1) How to survive this one;
    2) Is it worthwhile considering another.

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