Supporting Women in Computing

In recognition of Women’s History month, I’ve been reflecting on the teachers who work tirelessly to bring computer science education to their students. In particular, I wanted to acknowledge and appreciate the important role of the women who teach computer science in schools and in communities around the world.

We know that research tells us that mentors and role models are a key ingredient for success – as they say – “you can’t be it if you can’t see it”. Having a strong female role model teaching computer science – whether that is in school or out of school – is one way to help girls dispel myths about who belongs in computer science – and helps them clearly see that they do belong in this field.

Another great way to continue to build inclusive computer science education and help girls – and all students – see and grow the impact of women in computer science is to share the stories and impact of women who’ve pioneered the way. Women’s History Month is the perfect time to do this since there are so many great resources created, shared and highlighted.

I’m sharing a few resources that I found interesting and hope you will add to this list. While I know that by sharing a short list, I risk of leaving things out. But with the goal to start somewhere… here we go! I’m sure you have some you want to share. Please do! Post them on Twitter, tagging @csteachersorg with the hashtag #CSforAll so others can see them too.

NCWIT has so many great resources! The Pioneers in Tech Award announced their newest recipient – and you can check out past recipients for even more inspiration!

Want to inspire your students in person? Check out opportunities to attend The Grace Hopper Celebration, the largest gathering of women technologists, which is a part of the Anita Borg Institute.  

The IEEE Computing Society has a range of resources to both promote and support women in computing as well as links to other great programs and resources.

Check out the list of women led, women focused computer science organizations created by Ruthe Farmer, Chief Evangelist for CSforAll. Find out who is operating in your community and see how you can partner!

San Francisco Unified School District’s Celebration of Women in Computing shares a GREAT list of resources (including lesson plans and posters!) they’ve compiled. (Thanks to my fellow CSTA board member Bryan Twarek for sharing!)

Through inspirational student interviews with a range of diverse female and male CS professionals, Roadtrip Nation’s Code Trip shows students that there are many pathways they can follow in pursuit of computer science education and computing.

And finally, help inspire the women we see on these lists, posters and history books in the future! Help make sure more girls have strong female role models by nominating a female teacher you know to receive a scholarship to attend a training!

Yvonne Thomas
Partner Representative CSTA Board

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About Yvonne Thomas

Yvonne Thomas leads Microsoft Philanthropies work to grow economic opportunity for youth in more than 60 countries around the world by increasing equitable access and participation in digital skills and computer science education.