- “For years I never thought I was good enough”
- “I wonder…am I doing this right”
These are quotes from our 2018 CSTA / Infosys Foundation USA teaching excellence award winners. A group of teachers that have not only made an outstanding impact within their own classrooms but also started new district wide programs; built engaging, strident led, inter-school partnerships; and lead the team revising the AP CS A exam! The truth is that even the most effective teachers find themselves facing doubt. Teaching is a HARD job, especially as a computer science teacher.
CSTA is here to make sure we take time to recognize the amazing work that’s happening in computer science classrooms across the country. This week we launched the application for the 2019 CSTA / Infosys Foundation USA Teaching Excellence Award with a few updates:
- The application is split into two parts, making it easier to apply, and only requiring additional steps, like letters of recommendation after an initial review. We hope this will encourage more teachers to apply before that self doubt we all have creeps in.
- We’ve doubled the number of awards, because there are so many outstanding teachers and we want to acknowledge them all. Starting this year there will be five winning teachers and five honorable mentions.
- You can now nominate a great teacher, encouraging them to complete the application and letting them know that you think they are an excellent computer science teacher.
The first round of the application is open through April 14 and shouldn’t take more than 45 minutes to complete. For more information and to apply now visit the award page.

Jake Baskin
Executive Director CSTA