CSTA is proud to have a teacher-led Board of Directors that is focused on creating a strong environment to support our members. For the past 17 months, I’ve worked alongside these board members to reshape CSTA for growth through the launch of CSTA+ membership, introduction of a new website and member experience and expansion of the CSTA Annual Conference.
As they rotate off of the CSTA Board of Directors, I’d like to thank these outgoing members for their years of dedication and service:
David Benedetto, At-Large Representative
Doug Bergman, 9–12 Representative
Bryan Twarek, School District Representative
I’d like to congratulate K–8 Representative Vicky Sedgwick on her re-election to another term and to Jane Prey and Bobby Schnabel on their re-appointments. I’m glad that we’ll be able to continue the work that we’ve started together.
With change comes new faces and fresh ideas to CSTA’s Board of Directors. Welcome to our newest members:
Art Lopez, 9–12 Representative
Michelle Friend, At-Large Representative
Dan Blier, District Representative
As we begin a new fiscal year, I look forward to continuing to work with the Board to further CSTA’s mission.

Executive Director