If you are interested in working to improve K-12 computer science in your state, now is the time to get involved by working with your new CSTA local teacher leaders.
In January, CSTA was awarded an exciting new two-year grant with the overall objective of developing a cohort of K-12 teachers who will serve as educational leaders at the state level. Thirty-two people representing 17 states participated in a leadership-building workshop in July. The workshop focused on the leadership qualities needed for effective advocacy, identifying and building partnerships with appropriate stakeholders, and developing a toolkit of advocacy materials to be used in each state. (Individuals from the remaining states will be invited in winter 2009 to participate in a workshop during summer 2009 and continue their work through 2010.)
Since the workshop, participants have begun implementing outreach plans in their respective states focused on establishing K-12 computer science as an essential academic discipline and participating in a cohort online community to share experiences, strategies, and successes.
These local leaders are now working toward organizing local and state chapters of CSTA. CSTA chapters will meet on a regular basis, and address key issues such as community building, curriculum reform, and professional development.
In order for all of these efforts to be effective, members of the leadership cohort will be seeking volunteers to assist them. We will need the combined forces of all CSTA members in order for this project to be successful. For further information on participating states and contact information for local teacher leaders, please visit http://csta.acm.org
Gail Chapman
Leadership Cohort Coordinator