A Computer Science Honor Society: Is it Worth the Work??

Over the last couple of years, the question of whether CSTA should initiate an honor society for high school computer science students has been raised a number of times, both by members of the CSTA Board of Directors and by CSTA volunteers.
At our most recent CSTA Board of Directors meeting, the issue was discussed again at length thanks to a report prepared by CSTA Vice-President Steve Cooper. Among the many considerations, the Board members discussed how such a society might function, its purpose, and related costs (both direct and indirect).
While a number of the Directors thought that it would be a good idea to support such a society, several key questions remain unanswered. As always, CSTA places a priority on projects that support and sustain both our mission and our members, so we would really like to know what you think about any and all of the following questions.
How would a CS honor society support CSTA’s mission of supporting the teaching of computer science and other computing disciplines?
Do CSTA members feel the need for a CS honor society?
How would a CS honor society help CS teachers meet their classroom goals?
What would members expect of such an organization?
What would a Computer Science Honor Society look like?
Is a CS honor society something that CSTA members would embrace?
Would members be willing to help raise funding and provide volunteer support for such a program on a on-going basis?
Forming a student honor organization within CSTA would be a huge project and your feedback on these questions is critically important. Please share your ideas (pro and con) on the topic.
Pat Phillips
Editor, CSTA Voice

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