
By Michelle Hutton
Did you know that January is (US) National Clean Up Your Computer month? I didn’t manage to clean up my computer, but I did clean up my blog subscriptions, by deleting ones I don’t read very often. Here are the computer science and education blogs that made the cut:

  • Wicked Teacher of the West, a middle school computer science teacher who reflects on her practice
  • Computing Education by Mark Guzdial, professor at Georgia Tech who thinks about the world of computer science education
  • Computer Science Teacher by Alfred Thompson, who many of you have met at conferences and the CS & IT Symposium (by the way, have you registered yet?)
  • Knowing and Doing by Eugene Wallingford, professor at University of Northern Iowa
  • In Need of a Base Case by Leigh Ann Sudol who used to be a high school CS teacher and CSTA board member and is now pursuing a PhD in CS Education at Carnegie Mellon University
  • Dy/Dan by Dan Meyer, who is a very thoughtful high school math teacher and is also an intern at Google working on computational thinking and programming in math classes
  • Ideas for Teaching Computer Technology to Kids is full of links to computer science resources

Three that don’t make the professional development grade but I think might be of interest anyway:

  • Learning Curves is currently my favorite blog. Rudibecka Hirta is a delightfully snarky math instructor at an unnamed southern university or college. One of my dreams is that I get to meet her some day. This one doesn’t provide much professional development, but it is full of personality. Also, she takes computer science and stats classes and reflects on them.
  • Indexed is Jessica Hagy reflecting on the world using graphs
  • xkcd is popular among all the geeks I know

Do you have a blog? Or one you think I should add to my (pared down!!) blog reader? Post a response and let us know.
Michelle Hutton
CSTA President

3 thoughts on “Blogroll

  1. I hope you’re not offended that I missed yours completely! I hope anyone else whose I missed will also clue me in – it’s always good to know about CS teachers’s blogs.

  2. I’d like you to consider including my blog on your list. I’ve been a tech teacher for fifteen years. I post about lesson plans, book reviews, topics of interest in my corner of education, answer reader questions.
    It’s also a portal to my virtual classroom. From here, you can drop in on my class wikis, my classroom blog, the internet start pages I use daily for the K-5 classes I teach (they include To Do lists as well as topic-specific links).
    Want to see what I’m doing today? Click the gravatar in the upper right corner and select the grade.

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