CSTA has a new collection of podcasts called CS Snipits that allows teachers to listen-in on interesting conversations with leaders and practitioners in the computer science (CS) field. These podcasts feature educators, industry folks, and students who are willing to take the time to chat with us about their passions.
Because visiting with successful CS teachers is one of the most motivational and inspiring things I do, I jump at the chance to do so at every opportunity. In this series of CS Snipits, you get to listen in on my visits with teachers from across the country. These teachers teach a variety of CS topic and have great ideas to share. I invite you to feel the excitement and to test drive some of the proven strategies and activities you will learn about in these podcasts.
MyraDeister: SupportGroupActivities
Myra Deister and several other CS teachers in CA have found a way to combat the isolation that many CS teachers face as the only or one of very few CS teachers in his or her school. In our discussion she told me about the Southern California Java Education Support Group and described an on-line Java learning tool for students found at javabat.com that she plans to use as homework practice for a variety of programming concepts.
MyraDeister: Recruitment
Over the last four years Myra has more than doubled the number of students in her CS courses. Her strategies of personalized attention and effective introductory programming lessons have not just increased enrollments, but have kept classrooms full because students stay. Myra worked with other teachers to promote her CS courses and she uses Alice as a highly motivational first step for students.
Myra Deister, a member of the CSTA Board, is a CS teacher in Fullerton California
To listen to these or any other CS Snipits, visit http://csta.acm.org/Resources/sub/Podcasts.html
Pat Phillips
Editor, CS Snipits