
Recently I was asked by a younger teacher, how I allocate my time because he knew that I teach both computer science and mathematics. I never thought much about it prior to his question. I responded to him with, I work on what needs to be done first. That has seemed to work for me but during the last two months I have been thinking more about his question. I have had to make choices and I had to say no to some requests because I just couldn’t “keep up” any more. I need to devise a system that allows me to prioritize and allocate time.
I am learning to say “I just can’t do” when I know I don’t have the time. However, teaching computer science is much more time consuming than teaching mathematics. I am constantly looking for ways to better convey a computer science topic to the students or I am opening the lab for the students to finish their programming projects. I want them to succeed and I feel I need to assist them and put the time in.
I know some of you have more preparations than I have and I am wondering, just like the younger teacher asked me, “how do you allocated your time so you get it all done and provide the best education for your students?”
Please share your thoughts.
Myra Deister
CSTA Board of Directors

2 thoughts on “Priorities

  1. Tough question
    Just because computer science and programming takes more time, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should spend substantially more time with the subject.
    I think the best idea is to have goals set, of what you want the students to learn and understand each week. Divide the time but make sure you meet the goals. If they are not met, look back and see how the time was spent to then decide if you need more lab hours, less time in one subject, etc.
    Ask students for feedback and advise as well.

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