Our CS Teachers: A CS Ed Week Poem

As we embark on the week to celebrate CS Education
Let us pause for a moment in order to make mention
Of computer science teachers, our educational heroes
Who do so much more than teach about ones and zeroes.
Our CS teachers go beyond just the bits and bytes
And help to set off in students many, many lights
So that they may explore, make connections and create
And realize that thinking like a computer scientist is great.
Our CS teachers teach students about Problem Solving and HCI
Programming, Data Analysis and Web Design oh my
And in the process students realize that they can do
So much more than Word and typing and Facebook too.
Our CS teachers help students to become computational thinkers,
collaborators, innovators, and persisting tinkerers
Who are breaking down barriers of who does CS
And showing the world that CS is for all of us
So, “Hello world” lets give a salute
To our CS teachers who help us all to really compute!
David Bernier
Program Manager for the Exploring Computer Science Project at UCLA

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