New CSTA K-8 CS Resource

My how CS things have changed in the last 10 years! K-8 computer science was barely a twinkle in the eye of a few dedicated CSTA members, and look at us now! CS in the elementary/primary and middle school environment is viewed as a vital link in developing a skilled and fully literate population that will be able to lead technological innovation.
We regularly feature elementary and middle school topics in the Voice and have just published and entire 32 page document dedicated solely to CS in elementary/primary and middle school! K-8 Computer Science: Building a Solid Foundation is the latest comprehensive CSTA publication for describing and illustrating what a quality CS program might contain. You will find dozens of articles offering a variety of PERSPECTIVES, and examples of IMPLEMENTATION and ENGAGMENT for younger students.
This collection of some of the best articles previously published in the Voice, as well as newly commissioned articles from CS thought leaders and widely recognized master educators, is sure to provide opportunities for discussion, ideas for K-8 classroom activities and curriculum development, and resources for local advocacy efforts. Download K-8 Computer Science: Building a Solid Foundation to learn more about:

  • the importance of including K-8 CS in curriculum planning;
  • the components of a comprehensive K-8 CS program;
  • ideas for using CS to enhance student learning in a variety of subjects;
  • strategies for teaching CS concepts to the youngest of students;
  • what’s happening in various states and nations; and
  • oodles of practical classroom tools, resources, and engaging activities that are sure to excite young students and lead them to see themselves as “computer scientists.”
    Please add to the discussion of K-8 CS. Share with us about the exciting things happening in your school, let us know what other topics you would like to learn about, offer your insights on the topic, and volunteer to write an article for the Voice.
    Pat Phillips
    Editor, CSTA Voice

  • 3 thoughts on “New CSTA K-8 CS Resource

    1. Great post.I am very thankful to all of your association to provide opportunities for discussion, ideas for K-8 classroom activities and curriculum development, and resources for local advocacy efforts. It is very informative post and very helpful for all computer science student.They got a big opportunity to learn.

    2. This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing such an incredible resource. I’m a blended learning assistant at a K-8 charter school in California, and as blended becomes more commonplace, I think the demand for CS curriculum will too. I’m excited to pore through this guide!

    3. I too agree with the two comments already made that this is a great resource and thank all those that worked on creating it. I know that I am always looking for resources such as this to use in my classroom.
      My concern is that as educators we try to label things as to a grade level where it can be used. This resource is listed as a resource for K-8. Even though I teach high school, I skimmed through the document and found several great ideas that I can use in my high school classroom. With many of these activities, I can use them as listed or with very little adaptation. Why? Because my school does not have a strong CS program below the high school level. Therefore, resources that are listed as middle school or even K-8 work well for me with my students.
      I am interested to hear others’ opinions on this topic. Should we pigeonhole resources as K-8, middle school or high school? Would it be easier to label resources as beginner, intermediate and advanced?

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