CSTA Cyber Security Poster Under Development

In recent months the federal government has expressed increasing concern about our cybersecurity, that is, with our ability to protect the complex computing and communications systems needed to protect our citizens and carry out the business of our businesses and indistries. In the coming months, CSTA will be working with the National Security Agency on a project which we hope will increase awareness of this issue and encourage students to take the kinds of courses that could provide them with critical skills and access to careers that can make a critical difference.
Each year, CSTA creates a classroom poster focusing on some key aspect of computer science education and student engagement and this year, in conjunction with CSEdWeek (December 9-15, 2012), we will be releasing a poster focusing on cybereducation. Right now we are in the early design stage but we know that what we would like most to communicate with students is that there is a critical need and they really can help “save the world with their brains”.
The poster should be available by early November and any CSTA individual member (membership is FREE) can request a classroom copy. In addition, programs that are CSTA institutional members (membership is FREE for the first year) can order larger numbers of copies to distribute at events. Announcements will be posted on the CSTA website as soon as the poster is available.
Chris Stephenson
CSTA Executive Director

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