CS2013 and K-12

Are you interested in what the future of computer science and computer science education at the college level looks like?
Roughly once per decade, the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and IEEE-Computing Society form a joint task force to identify important developments and future trends in computer science, and to recommend best practices in CS education. The latest such effort, Computer Science 2013 (CS2013), is nearing completion with a final report scheduled for the fall of 2013 (drafts are currently available at http://cs2013.org).
While CS2013 is focused on college-level education, awareness of its content, including changing expectations of computing careers and evolving practices in college curricula, will empower K-12 educators to better prepare and advise students.
The CS2013 Task Force consists of educators and industry representatives, including two members of the CSTA Board of Directors: myself and Alfred Thompson. If you plan on being at the CSTA Annual Conference in July, be sure to come to our session on CS2013 and its impact on K-12.
Dave Reed
College Representative
CSTA Board of Directors

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