CSTA Annual Conference Reminder

If you haven’t yet registered for the CSTA Annual Conference, time is running short. The conference takes place in St. Charles, Illinois (west of Chicago) on July 14-15. The deadline for reduced-rate housing is June 13 and online conference registration ends June 26. The full agenda for the conference, including keynotes and presentations, can be found at http://cstaconference.org. Be sure to check out the slate of outstanding workshops that are available in two sessions on Monday:

Morning Workshops:
* A Programming Approach to the CS: Principles “Data” Task
* Computational Thinking: from Game Design to STEM in One Week
* Developing CS Materials for the Guided Inquiry Classroom
* Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot
* Learning with TurtleArt
* Media Computation in Python (This workshop is FULL.)

Afternoon Workshops:
* Alice and Friends: Introducing Programming to Students, 5
* ArduBlock: Simple Yet Powerful Graphical Programming for Arduino
* Artbotics with Lego Mindstorms
* Introduction to Programming the HTML5 Canvas
* Mobile Computer Science Principles
* New Labs for the Advanced Placement Computer Science A Course (This workshop is FULL.)

Workshops are outstanding and affordable professional development opportunities, and if you register for two, you get a discount ($100 for two, versus $60 for one). We look forward to seeing you in July!

Register at www.cstaconference.org.

Dave Reed
Program Chair, CSTA Annual Conference
College Faculty Rep, CSTA Board of Directors