More CSTA Podcsts

CSTA has a new collection of podcasts called CS Snipits that allows teachers to listen-in on interesting conversations with leaders and practitioners in the computer science (CS) field. These podcasts feature educators, industry folks, and students who are willing to take the time to chat with us about their passions.
Because visiting with successful CS teachers is one of the most motivational and inspiring things I do, I jump at the chance to do so at every opportunity. In this series of CS Snipits, you get to listen in on my visits with teachers from across the country. These teachers teach a variety of CS topic and have great ideas to share. I invite you to feel the excitement and to test drive some of the proven strategies and activities you will learn about in these podcasts.
MyraDeister: SupportGroupActivities
Myra Deister and several other CS teachers in CA have found a way to combat the isolation that many CS teachers face as the only or one of very few CS teachers in his or her school. In our discussion she told me about the Southern California Java Education Support Group and described an on-line Java learning tool for students found at that she plans to use as homework practice for a variety of programming concepts.
MyraDeister: Recruitment
Over the last four years Myra has more than doubled the number of students in her CS courses. Her strategies of personalized attention and effective introductory programming lessons have not just increased enrollments, but have kept classrooms full because students stay. Myra worked with other teachers to promote her CS courses and she uses Alice as a highly motivational first step for students.
Myra Deister, a member of the CSTA Board, is a CS teacher in Fullerton California
To listen to these or any other CS Snipits, visit
Pat Phillips
Editor, CS Snipits

Gaming Conference Open to High School Teachers

The last two winters Microsoft and Microsoft Research have partnered to host a conference on game development in computer science education. This year, for the first time, Microsoft’s Alfred Thompson reports that he has been given leave to create a special high school computer science track for the conference and to encourage high school teachers to attend.
Between the academic papers and the support through attendance and participation of commercial game development and game tool creating companies, the Microsoft Academic Days on Game Development in Computer Science Education conference has become one of the much anticipated conferences of the year.
In the past, the conference has been attended by only a small number of high school teachers. This new track, however, should make it much more accessible and interesting for teachers. Thompson says he is still working on the track but already there are some great things lined up that will make this a valuable experience.
The current list of confirmed GDCSE 08 general session and tech talk speakers includes people from the Alice project at Carnegie Mellon, Blizzard Entertainment, Electronic Arts, and Bungie (the people who create Halo). A large number of university faculty will also be talking about how they use game development to teach computer science concepts. Beyond that the networking possibilities are amazing. Here is a chance to discuss how game development can be used to teach and attract students in computer science with some of the best in the field.
Please look at this page ( ) for information on the conference and contact Alfred ( if you have any questions.
BTW High school teachers can get a 50% reduction in the cost of the conference. Oh, and did I mention that the conference is on a cruise ship leaving from Florida?
This year’s conference is co-sponsored by ACM/SIGCSE and Electronic Arts.
Chris Stephenson
CSTA Executive Director

Proclaim Computer Science Day

Did you know that you can have your city’s Mayor proclaim a day to celebrate computer science education?
This is exactly what CSTA Board member Brian Scarbeau did! And the city of Orlando, FL Mayor Buddy Dyer proudly proclaimed December 7th as Computer Science Education Celebration Day.
Brian picked December 7th in honor of the birthday of Grace Murray Hopper, in this way celebrating both the contribution of computer science education to the modern world and the contribution of women to computer science.
According to Brian, it is very easy to have a day proclaimed. You simply go to:
and scroll down to Download a Proclamation link and print that out and send it to your Mayor at least two months before the event to give them time to sign it and send it back to you.
Chris Stephenson
CSTA Executive Director

How Do We Make AP CS Better?

CSTA has been invited by the College Board to take part in a review of the Advanced Placement Computer Science curriculum and we would like your guidance on how it might be improved.
In order to keep all of its subject area curricula current, the College Board conducts regular reviews of all of its AP curricula. To do this, it forms a committee of experts from various educational levels within each academic discipline to examine the curriculum carefully and put forward any recommendations for change.
Of course, the process is not a simple one. There is the issue of ensuring the curriculum is sufficiently rigorous as to justify the awarding of college-level credit to students who successfully pass the exam. There is also the concern with ensuring that the exam answers can be fairly and consistently assessed.
There are also much deeper questions to be answered. Does the curriculum cover the appropriate content? Is it well-focused, consistent, and rigorous? Does it provide a balanced view of the discipline? Does it encourage good students to view the discipline in a positive but realistic way?
These are some of the questions that we need to consider very carefully as a community.
At this point, a rant against the AP CS curriculum is really not very helpful. What we need are your practical suggestions for making it better. We cannot promise that we can make it so, but we believe that good things will happen when we bring the collected wisdom of our CSTA community to this task.
So tell us what you think! How can the AP CS curriculum be improved?
Chris Stephenson
CSTA Executive Director

Google’s Open Source Contest

Like many savvy IT companies, Google has realized that when it comes to interesting students in computing, college is just too late. For this reason, Google has announced the Highly Open Participation Contest to help introduce secondary school and high school students to open source software development.
For the past three years college students have participated in Google Summer of Code ( which has introduced hundreds of college students to open source software. The Google Highly Open Participation Contest, however, will be the first contest from Google’s open source team exclusively for secondary school and high school students.
Students can now visit to write code and documentation, prepare training materials, conduct user-experience research, and win prizes. Ten grand-prize winners will get the chance to visit the Googleplex in Mountain View, Ca.
Google will work with ten open source organizations (Apache Software Foundation, Drupal, GNOME, Joomla!, MoinMoin, Mono, Moodle, Plone, Python Software Foundation, and SilverStripe CMS) for this pilot effort, each of which will provide a list of tasks to be completed by the student participants. Tasks typically fall into the following categories: code, documentation, research, outreach, quality assurance, training, translation, and user interface.
The contest is open to students aged 13 and older who have not yet begun university studies. Contestants will be able to claim tasks until 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time on January 22, 2008. The grand-prize winners will be announced on February 11.
For more information, visit
Chris Stephenson
CSTA Executive Director

Can Bloggers Rescue America’s Dropout Factories?

CSTA member Milt Haynes is looking for teachers and students in the Chicagoland area who are interested in using web 2.0 social networking technology (e.g. blogs, wikis, podcasts) as a teaching tool to get high-risk students more engaged.
A recent Chicago Tribune article by: Tara Malone called Bleak future seen for dropoutshighlights the growing number of inner-city students who are not completing high school and the social costs of failing to prepare students to be successful and engaged in today’s society.
Milt also sees schools in the United Kingdom who are successfully engaging potential drop-out students with blogging technology and Milt believes that it is entirely possible to have the same kind of successes in our schools. Nodehill Middle School, for example, may be the most bloggy school in the UK. (
Milt is looking for some Chicagoland teachers and students interesting in making their own mark in the bloggosphere.
You can contact Milt at:
Milt Haynes
Chris Stephenson
CSTA Executive Director

Department of Education Resources

It is amazing what you can find when you troll the Internet for information on US Department of Education resources. Did you know that the US DOE keeps something called Federal Resources for Educational Excellence? Within that site there are links to useful content for teachers of all subjects (including computing).
The list of computing resources can be found here I recommend the Computing link and also the Cyberethics link for elementary and middle school teachers.
If you are a computing teacher in your district share this page with all of your teachers (no matter what the subject) for the resources that are available to them. You can also talk with your science teachers about collaborating on a project that is highlighted by some of the science and technology links available from the computing page.
Leigh Ann Sudol
CSTA Communications Chair

IES Practice Guide for Encouraging Girls in Math and Science

This past September the National Center for Education Research released a practice guide with five recommended strategies for encouraging girls in Math and Science. The report is research-based and includes a number of interesting facts from recent educational researchers as well as recommended strategies that can be easily applied in classrooms.
The practice guide states that “To encourage girls in math and science, we need to begin first with their beliefs about their abilities in these areas, second with sparking and maintaining greater interest in these topics, and finally with building associated skills.” (pg. 8) The recommendations put forward by the practice guide are:

  • Teach students that academic abilities are expandable and improvable. This addresses the belief that some students have that knowledge is fixed at birth (the idea that a student does well more because of “smarts” than due to hard work).
  • Provide prescriptive, informational feedback. Feedback that focuses on positive work ethic, good application of strategies, and problem solving techniques vs. just stating that students did a “good job” decreases their belief that knowledge is fixed and also encourages them to have better self-efficacy with regards to the subject.
  • Expose girls and young women to female role models who have succeeded in math and science.
  • Create a classroom environment that sparks initial curiosity and fosters long term interest in math and science. Using project based learning and activities that allow students to frame problems within their own interests can help them understand how math and science (as well as computing skills) can have broad applications.
  • Provide spatial skills training. Research suggests that students do not always have the knowledge about what spatial strategies are available to them in order to solve a problem. In computer science we often draw diagrams to represent concepts or ideas. Making the methods behind the construction of the diagrams and the reasons for the diagrams explicit can help students make better choices about problem solving strategies.

One of the most interesting recommendations to me, and probably the easiest to implement in the classroom is the idea of prescriptive, informational feedback. “Experimental work suggests that feedback given in the form of praise focused on global intelligence (e.g., ‘you are smart’) may have a negative impact on future learning behavior in comparison to praise about effort (e.g., ‘you must have worked hard’).”
I cannot count the number of times I have just said to students, “you are smart enough to do this” or “see, that was easy” rather than acknowledging the effort and work that they put into the project. Comments such as “I believe you can do this, you work hard enough” and “that wasn’t too much work” (as opposed to easy) are now going to become part of my classroom praise for students.
If you get the chance I would highly recommend reading the practice guide. It is written for classroom teachers and does an excellent job of making recommendations you can use in your classes today. Even if you don’t get the chance to read the guide, please share with us what you believe to be the most interesting idea from above or even something you might do in your classroom that aligns with the IES suggestions.
Leigh Ann Sudol
CSTA Communications Committee Chair

New CS Snips Podcasts

CSTA has a new collection of podcasts called CS Snipits that allows teachers to listen-in on interesting conversations with leaders and practitioners in the computer science (CS) field. These podcasts feature educators, industry folks, and students who are willing to take the time to chat with us about their passions.
The 2007 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference was held in Orlando, Florida, October 14-17. This conference celebrates the technical contributions and career interests of diverse people in diverse computing fields. I love this conference because it makes college and university students the primary focus, having them participate in a variety of presentations including technical papers, panels, workshops, posters, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions.
During our time at Tapia this year, I visited with many conference attendees, and talked specifically about projects for K-12 aimed at making computing more inclusive for all students. I especially loved interviewing the students who helped us appreciate their passion for computing and their drive to improve the world.
Here are just a few of our podcast from Tapia this year.
Edward Gonzales and Josef Sifuentes of Rice University energetically contend that if you think math isn’t cool it is because you’re not cool! Gonzales and Rice have launched the Math is Cool project to demonstrate how you can use mathematics, racing, and art to engage student interest in computing.
Richard Tapia of Rice University, recounts how his dreams of diversity in computing gave rise to the Tapia Conference. As a bridge-builder among ethnic groups, Richard has mentored dozens of students toward amazing successes in computing. His dedication to students is second to none.
To listen to these or any other CS Snipits, visit
Pat Phillips
Editor, CS Snipits

Using Technology to Teach Computing

We all know that teaching computing involves instructional activities on the countless and varied aspects of technology. But how do you use technology to teach computing?
I know teachers who record all of their programming technique demonstrations so that students can revisit them as many times as they want. There are teachers who would be lost without the ability to communicate online with students and parents about assignments and class activities through any number of tools. Wikis and forums add depth and inclusion to classroom discussions when all students feel free to participate. The opportunities for teaching computing, or any course for that matter, with technology are endless.
We’d like to hear about and share with CSTA members your experiences in teaching computing with an effective technology tool or strategy. Please share your success stories here.
Pat Phillips
Editor, CSTA Voice